If you look closely you can even see the La Cross Temperature Transmitters in several of the pictures. They are hidden in plastic shoe boxes in the water filter bay and some other storage bins to keep them dry. I mounted the heaters on a small block of wood so I could easily remove them for storage during non-winter months. Total of 6 xtreme heaters!
I put a metal baffle in front of the ice maker heater to keep it from blowing hot air directly on the components, wires, etc. When it was 9 degrees outside, the non-heated compartments of the motor home dropped to 27.5 degrees inside the storage building, but the minimum temperature in the heated compartments stayed above 34-39 degrees. When it was 14 degrees outside, the non-heated compartments of the motor home dropped to 29.3 degrees inside the storage building, but the minimum temperature in the heated compartments stayed above 35.3-40.1 degrees.
Thanks for sending the Xtreme Heater to me in Montgomery. It might not have been in Southlake 30 days from now when I anticipate being able to drive back to check on things and pick up the mail. I certainly was not expecting you to just send a new one. I would have been perfectly happy with the old one repaired.
I know the quality of your products from my 6 years of experience with one in the Sailboat plus another 3 years with many more in the motor home.
Thanks again, and I hope the photos are helpful.
- F. M. Koppersmith, III